So, you are considering joining the OnPoint Nutrition family! We’re so happy that you want to learn more about becoming a client and improving your health.
Getting started on a nutrition counseling program can feel daunting at first, but look at you - you’ve already taken the first step by reading this article. First steps should always be applauded.
There are a few more steps to take after this one, but I’m here to map it all out for you in an easily digestible format that will hopefully alleviate any confusion during the process of trying to decide whether or not to make us part of your team.
OnPoint Nutrition has successfully helped over 3,000 people transform their health, and that number is growing by the day. Placing your trust in our team of professional nutrition coaches and registered dietitians means you’re making your health a priority, and you should feel proud of that.
Now let’s get to it. If you’re wondering how to get started with OnPoint Nutrition, I’m about to give you the inside scoop. This article will break down what the process and timeline look like, and what you can expect along the way. We want to make sure you feel supported and informed throughout so that you’re as sure as we are that this is the right fit.
I hope it helps you feel more empowered and confident in your decision to work with us and live your best life.
Getting Started With Nutrition Counseling at OnPoint Nutrition
Kudos to you; you’ve already made the first two very important decisions toward optimizing your health - you’ve begun to consider personalized nutrition counseling and you’re reading this article to learn how to get started. You’re already crushing it!
It is important to us that the process of starting with your nutrition coach or registered dietitian is seamless and easy. We do our best to make sure you are supported, encouraged, and offered empathy and compassion right from the start.
There are a few more steps you’ll have to take after reading this article that will get you ready to go, and the order and timeline in which they occur are important to note so that there are no delays and you are clear for takeoff.
Step #1: Schedule Your Free Consultation
After you’ve perused the website and gotten better acclimated with our philosophy, programs, and team, the process begins with scheduling your free consultation. When you visit our website, you’ll see green buttons on the homepage that say “Schedule Your Consult”. Click on one of these to enter your information and be taken to the next page where you can view a short welcome video from Leah and Gabby, our Consult Team.
After you watch the video that describes what your free consult will look like in further detail, you can decide if you’re ready to move forward by getting on the consultation schedule or ask questions via our inquiry form. It’s okay if you’re not feeling ready at this point! We are here to address any questions or concerns you might still be feeling.
If you decide to schedule a consultation, you’ll be brought to a screen with a calendar of dates and times that you can choose from. Once you’re booked, you’ll receive a couple of email and text reminders prior to your consult to help get you organized and excited!
If you decide you’d rather ask some additional questions first, you can click on the “Get In Touch” button and be taken to a form where you provide your contact information and a personal message to us. We know what it’s like trying to find a program that will work for you, and we want to make sure you get all your questions answered before you take the leap! No question is too big or too small.
The best part? If you want to know before you schedule a consult whether or not your health insurance will cover some of the cost, we can run an insurance eligibility check for you first. This takes all the apprehension and guesswork out of things if cost is a hurdle or concern for you.
Step #2 Free Consultation Or Inquiry Response
Free Consultation
What you decided on during step one will ultimately dictate what happens in step two. If you schedule your consult with us, here’s what that will look like and what we will review:
- Health and wellness goals
- Lifestyle and eating habits
- Food allergies or sensitivities
- Medical issues
- Movement and activity levels
If there is anything else of importance that you feel you’d like to share with us on your consult, we are all ears! We create an empathetic and compassionate environment for you to tell your story, and we are genuinely rooting for you.
If you’re ready to get started, our consult team can match you with a nutrition coach or registered dietitian during the call and get you on their calendar tentatively; you are not committed to anything until we receive payment. Most of our team can take new clients about two weeks after the initial consultation.
We will also need to know what program you are interested in so that we can make sure the frequency of sessions in that program is accounted for in your nutrition coach or registered dietitian’s calendar.
All of the consultation session notes that are taken during this 30-minute call are saved in a secure folder and shared with your nutrition coach or dietitian so that they can use this information to start building your plan.
Inquiry Process
If you’ve opted out of scheduling a consult just yet because you want to learn more or see what your insurance will cover, we completely understand. After submitting a question via our “Get In Touch” form, Gabby from the consult team will reach out via email to answer your question or get you the information you need before moving to the next step.
Maybe you decided you wanted to check your insurance first to see if any coverage is offered to offset the out-of-pocket cost. Our team will take care of calling your insurance provider via our eligibility check, where we’ll be given information on your plan-specific benefits.
We’ll reach out once we get your eligibility check results to share the news with you, and at that point, you’ll have the option to schedule your consult to learn more about our programs now that you have a better idea of insurance coverage and budget.
Step #3 Consultation Follow-Up
Once your consultation is over, Leah or Gabby will follow-up via email with more information about the items our team will need to move you forward in the process. This is where the process will be different for different people depending on how you’ll be paying for your program.
Out Of Pocket Payment
If you live in a state where OnPoint is not licensed to submit insurance claims, we will require out-of-pocket payment in order to proceed. If you have chosen the Academy or Concierge programs, we offer the option to make your payments in two separate installments. The Essentials program does not offer payment installments. Your follow-up email will contain a link for payment and a link to submit your medical history. Both of these items need to be returned together to move to the final step in the process.
Health Insurance Coverage
If you reside in a state where OnPoint is licensed to submit insurance claims and wish to do an eligibility check, we’ll provide a link to submit your insurance information. Once your insurance info is collected by our Medical Billing Specialist, we’ll work on getting you an answer from your provider on whether or not they’ll offer coverage, and what that coverage is. This typically takes anywhere from 5-7 days.
Once we receive the results of your eligibility check, we’ll send over another email with these results, and a coupon code to use during the checkout process to apply the insurance coverage amount to your total cost. If there is an outstanding out-of-pocket balance, you’ll be prompted to pay that during this time.
No matter which route you take, we require the total payment to be submitted no later than the Wednesday prior to your kickoff session so that your nutrition coach or dietitian has all the information they need to get started on your plan.
Step #4 Nutrition Coach Outreach Or Additional Follow-Up
So you’ve chosen your program, submitted your payment, and given us your medical history forms. You are officially on your way! Once all of these items are submitted and organized in your secure folder, your nutrition coach can begin working on your materials and plan.
Anywhere from 48 to 24 hours before your kickoff session, your nutrition coach or registered dietitian will reach out via email to get you started. This email will contain your login information for our member portal and food-logging app and your meal planning guide. These items will be further discussed during your kickoff call a couple of days later if you have questions about any of them.
At this point, it’s a great idea to visit our member portal to be sure your login information works, and get set up on our app as well. If you haven’t already visited our website’s “Meet The Team” section to learn more about your nutrition coach or registered dietitian, now is a good time to do that as well.
If for any reason payment and medical history are not submitted by the approaching due date, our consult team will reach out with some gentle reminders to get things settled so that we don’t have to push off your kickoff session. We appreciate you making these items a priority and getting them submitted on time!
It’s Your Time To Shine
You’ve made it! I hope the above information provided some much-needed insight into what getting started with OnPoint Nutrition will look like. We are truly so excited to work with you on your nutrition goals.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any additional questions that this article may not have answered. We’re always happy to help, and want you to feel confident that you’re making the best decision.
We wish you all the best throughout this process and are so excited to hear about your progress along the way! You’ve put your health and wellness first, and we know you won’t regret it.

Liz has been reading nutrition labels since she learned how to read. Growing up with severe peanut and tree nut allergies she learned that it’s important to know what you are putting into your body. She made her first big lifestyle change as a freshman in high school, when she decided to become a vegetarian. However, it wasn’t until she took a food class in Italy as part of a study abroad program in college that it clicked in her mind that she wanted to make food and nutrition her career. Liz graduated from Penn State University in 2015 with a bachelor's degree in Nutrition, as well as a bachelor's degree in Marketing. She completed her dietetic internship with Aramark in Philadelphia, and her master's degree at Northeastern University shortly after.