Nutrition Blog | OnPoint Nutrition

Non-Scale Progress Markers: OnPoint Nutrition

Written by Abby Aikens | Apr 3, 2023 5:38:46 PM

Are you tired of obsessing over the number on the scale and feeling down about your journey?

Do we really even feel like this is the best way to measure success on your wellness goals?


The good news is that there are plenty of other ways to track your progress on your wellness journey.

In fact, focusing solely on external measurements like weight can be misleading and discouraging.

We have led the charge for more than 3,000 individuals looking to lose weight, feel better, and live a happier life. Our team of experts is well aware of the struggles that our clients go through and their desire to track their successes in a healthy and meaningful way.


Good news--we have gathered up several non-scale progress markers that can be used to track your successes in nutrition coaching!

When it comes to tracking progress in fitness and nutritional wellness, there are two main sets of indicators that individuals often focus on:

  • internal wellness indicators like: energy, digestion, sleep, and mood
  • external body shape and feeling like:  measurement, composition, fitness, and clothing-fit.


Internal wellness indicators include factors such as energy levels, digestion, sleep quality, and mood. These indicators provide insight into how well the body is functioning and can be improved through proper nutrition, hydration, exercise, sleep, and stress management. 


Focusing on these aspects rather than just the number on a scale can lead to sustainable lifestyle changes that promote overall health and well-being.


On the other hand, external body measurements such as body circumferences, body fat percentage, fitness level, and clothing fit can provide insight into changes in body composition and shape. While these measurements can be useful for tracking progress related to weight loss or body recomposition, they should not be the sole focus of one's fitness and wellness journey.


By taking a balanced approach that prioritizes both internal wellness indicators and external body measurements, individuals can achieve a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that focuses on overall well-being rather than just numbers on a scale or appearance.

It's time to take a look at some non-scale progress markers more in depth so that you have a more comprehensive view of your health and well-being.

Let's get started!


Internal Indicators of Wellness: How Nutrition Affects Energy, Digestion, Sleep, and Mood


As the saying goes, "you are what you eat," and the impact of nutrition on our internal wellness indicators cannot be overstated. By improving their diet and eating habits, clients can experience significant improvements in energy levels, digestion, sleep quality, and mood.

This does not mean that 24/7 you must emulate the pillar of health, but you should be making conscious efforts to have a balanced diet.

A balanced diet that includes complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and fiber can help stabilize blood sugar levels, promote healthy digestion, and provide sustained energy throughout the day.

Additionally, nutrition plays a vital role in regulating mood and stress levels. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can provide the nutrients needed to support healthy brain function and regulate mood.

By focusing on these internal indicators of wellness, clients can celebrate successful lifestyle changes that not only improve their physical health but also their overall well-being.


Energy levels


When clients improve their diet and eating habits, they may notice an increase in energy levels. This is because the body is getting the nutrients it needs to function optimally. 


A balanced diet that includes complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and fiber can help stabilize blood sugar levels and provide sustained energy throughout the day. Eating well and exercising can also improve sleep, which further improves energy levels.

Clients may also notice that they feel less sluggish and more alert throughout the day.




Making changes to one's diet can also improve digestion and regularity. Eating a diet that is rich in fiber can help promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. Drinking plenty of water can also help improve digestion and regularity.

Clients may notice a reduction in bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort as they make changes to their diet. 




Better nutrition can also lead to improved sleep quality and quantity. Certain foods and nutrients can help promote restful sleep, such as tryptophan, magnesium, and melatonin. Eating a balanced diet that includes these nutrients can help clients fall asleep more easily and stay asleep throughout the night. 

Clients may notice that they feel more rested and refreshed upon waking. 




Nutrition can also have a significant impact on mood and stress levels. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help provide the nutrients needed to support healthy brain function and regulate mood. 

Additionally, certain foods and nutrients have been shown to have mood-boosting effects, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and probiotics. 

Clients may notice that they feel happier, more positive, and less stressed as they make changes to their diet.


Body Shape & Feel

Body shape and composition can be important factors in one's overall health and wellness. Measuring body circumferences and body fat percentage can provide valuable insights into changes in body shape over time, particularly for those who are trying to lose weight or build muscle.

Additionally, focusing on nutrition in addition to exercise can have a significant impact on physical performance and endurance.

Tracking changes in clothing fit can also provide motivation to continue making progress.

It's important to work with a qualified nutrition coach to determine the most appropriate progress markers for each individual.


Body Measurements


Measuring body circumferences, such as waist, hips, and arms, can provide valuable insights into changes in body shape and composition over time. 

This information can be particularly useful for individuals who are trying to track progress related to weight loss or body recomposition. For instance, if someone is losing fat and building muscle, they may not see a significant change in weight, but they may notice that their waist circumference has decreased while their arm circumference has increased. 

By measuring these changes regularly, individuals can get a better idea of how their body is changing and adjust their diet and exercise routines accordingly.


Body Composition


Measuring body fat percentage is a more accurate way to track changes in body composition than relying on weight alone. 

While weight can fluctuate due to factors like water retention, muscle gain, or loss, measuring body fat percentage provides a clearer picture of changes in body fat over time. 

This information can be particularly helpful for individuals who are trying to lose weight or build muscle. For instance, if someone is losing weight but their body fat percentage is not decreasing, they may need to adjust their diet and exercise routine.




Improving one's diet and fueling the body properly can have a significant impact on physical performance and endurance. For example, someone who is fueling their body regularly with nutrient-dense foods may notice that they have more energy during workouts and can lift heavier weights or run faster for longer periods. 

Eating a carbohydrate-based snack before a workout can also boost your energy so you can increase your exercise intensity and  get more out of your workout. 

Additionally, consuming enough protein can help build and repair muscle tissue, which can also improve physical performance. By focusing on nutrition in addition to exercise, clients may see even greater improvements in their fitness level.


Clothing Fit


Losing fat and gaining muscle can result in changes in body shape that are reflected in clothing fit. For example, someone who is losing fat around their waist while building muscle in their shoulders and arms may find that items like a shirt fits differently. 

By tracking changes in clothing fit, individuals can get a better idea of how their body is changing and may be motivated to continue making progress. Additionally, feeling more comfortable in one's clothes can boost confidence and self-esteem, which can be a powerful motivator to continue making healthy choices.

It is important to note that everyone's progress will be different, and progress markers may vary depending on the individual's goals and starting point. 

It is important to work with a qualified nutrition coach who can help determine the most appropriate progress markers for each individual.



Why Internal Wellness Indicators Are Just as Important as Body Shape and Composition


While tracking changes in body shape and composition can be helpful, it's equally important to focus on internal wellness indicators as a measure of progress. Internal wellness indicators such as energy levels, digestion, sleep quality, and mood can have a significant impact on overall health and well-being.

By approaching wellness as a holistic endeavor, individuals can achieve a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that focuses on overall well-being rather than just appearance.

Incorporating a balanced diet that includes nutrient-dense foods and regular exercise can lead to improvements in both internal wellness indicators and body shape and composition. 


It probably feels great to slip into an old pair of jeans--and that is definitely something to celebrate! But the greatest victory on your journey should certainly be feeling better and more healthy.

Focusing solely on external factors like body shape and size can lead to unrealistic expectations and a focus on appearance over health. Prioritizing internal wellness indicators allows individuals to make sustainable lifestyle changes that lead to long-term health benefits.

Just think, before you were waking up and feeling like a train hit you every morning--instead you wake up feeling refreshed and motivated to take on the day.

You can now keep up with the kids again when they are ready to race for hours.

When you finish a meal, you feel satisfied and comfortable instead of bloated and needing a nap. 

You can do it. And you will love it.