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Low FODMAP Breakfast Recipes | OnPoint Nutrition

Written by Britney Kennedy | Oct 2, 2019 4:55:39 AM

It's the start of the morning and you want to make sure you and your stomach are going to be on good terms all day.  Pick your favorite Low FODMAP breakfast to help improve your IBS symptoms.

Low FODMAP Breakfast - Vegetable fritatta:

The beauty of a fritatta is that you can include any of your favorite low FODMAP vegetables. I also like to think of fritattas as an easier omelette because, let's be honest, no one is pulling off a perfect omelette flip unless you're a chef. Low FODMAP veggies include bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and much more. 

Low FODMAP Breakfast - Baked oatmeal

So what exactly is so special about baked oatmeal, you ask? Well, you get you get all of the great nutrients and flavor from traditional oatmeal, but in a more portable, on-the-go option. The best part is, you can make it in advance and have breakfast for the whole week!

Low FODMAP Breakfast - Scrambled tofu

looking for a low FODMAP vegan breakfast? Well look no further, because scrambled tofu will be your new go-to! These recipes have everything we know and love about a traditional breakfast scramble, but modified to meet the dietary restrictions of both low FODMAP and vegan diets. (Added bonus, they're both Gluten Free!) 

Low FODMAP Breakfast - Buckwheat pancakes

If you're looking for something that caters to your sweet tooth for breakfast, you'll LOVE these buckwheat pancakes. The great thing about buckwheat when used in a pancake is that they can taste either sweet or savory. depending on the toppings.  This recipe has a little something for everybody! Did I mention they're also vegan and gluten free?

Low FODMAP Breakfast - Wrap

To satisfy all of you starch lovers out there, this low FODMAP breakfast wrap is for you! The recipe involves a little more prep time than the others because you have to make your own low FODMAP wrap, but the end product is so worth it.  Plus, you can freeze the extra wraps and thaw them out to use again the next time you want to make a delicious breakfast wrap!

Low FODMAP Breakfast - Bar

If you're looking for a delicious on-the-go breakfast, these breakfast bars are for you! What better way to start off your day than a quick and easy, healthy breakfast? The best part is you can make these bars ahead of time and have them handy to grab for breakfast OR a snack!

Low FODMAP Breakfast: PB & Jam toast

Get ready to feel nostalgic! This is the low FODMAP version of the classic PB&J with all of the yummy deliciousness of the original, and none of the uncomfortable side effects. The key here is picking a good low FODMAP bread. The creator of this recipe recommends a long-rise dough. Read more about this recipe and low FODMAP breads below!

Low FODMAP Breakfast Omelette with veggies and starches

Eggs are an easy, low FODMAP protein that are perfect for breakfast. If you don't tolerate whole eggs, try an egg white omelette as this may be better tolerated in some individuals with IBS. The thing I like about eggs is their versatility. For me, eggs are all about what you pair them with. In this case, eggs can be paired with some low FODMAP veggies to make a delicious omelette (or scrambled eggs, if that's easier). My recommendation for a breakfast omelette is to stick to 1 or 2 half cup servings servings of low FODMAP veggies (so that's a total of 1 cup max veggies per omelette). The following low FODMAP veggies go great in eggs:

  • Red and green bell peppers (1/2 cup)

  • Broccoli florets (3/4 cup)

  • Bok choy (1 cup)

  • Zucchini (1/2 cup)

  • Kale (1/2 cup)

  • Spring onion/scallion - green part only (1 bunch)

  • Spinach (1 cup)

  • Tomato (1 small)

To accompany the eggs, potatoes make a great side. Potatoes (1 medium) are a low FODMAP and make a nice side to omelettes or scrambled eggs. For ease, try precooking (pre-boiling) potatoes the day before and lightly pan-frying them while your eggs are cooking. If you are sensitive to too much oil (or fried foods), simply reheat potatoes and flavor with herbs, like dill or rosemary. 

Find more Low FODMAP tips on our Low FODMAP Diet resource page

Want more information on a successful IBS Diet? Then make your way to our IBS Diet overview section!


To read more about foods to avoid, foods to eat and how to make easy changes to your IBS diet to mitigate your symptoms, download our IBS Nutrition Guide.